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DESCRIPTION 「咸亨酒店」坐落在魯迅故家所在的紹興城內,由魯迅的堂叔周仲翔等人在城內的都昌坊口開設,其時為清朝光緒二十年(1884 年)。酒店雖然在幾年後結業,卻在魯迅的筆下生動重現,除了在《孔乙己》中,孔乙己啖著茴香豆的情境令人歷歷在目之外,「咸亨酒店」亦是《風波》、《明天》等著名小說的經典背景,深入民心。 「咸亨雕皇」承繼了「咸亨酒店」名字的寄意:「咸」是都的意思,「亨」為順利,「咸亨」即為「大家都順利」的祝福語,以此為名,足見當家人對生意興旺、親朋好友皆一帆風順的殷切期盼之情。 Lu Xun’s uncle Zhou Zhongxiang and others opened a small wine shop at Duchangfangkou in Shaoxing City. Xianheng wine shop is located at the east end of Dongchangfangkou in Shaoxing City where Lu Xun’s former home was located. “Xian” means ALSO, “Heng” means GOING WELL, and “Xianheng” is the blessing for “Everyone goes well”. Taking this as the name of the store shows that the family members are eagerly looking forward to the prosperity of the business. TASTING NOTE 陳年了四分一世紀始見天日,花雕愈見醇厚香濃。無論時間怎樣老去,酒在仍能在歲月變化中愈變愈好。 一打開蓋,歲月累積而成的香氣,從精心雕琢的青瓷瓶中溢出,苦等廿五秋,煉成金玉蜜,玉露金樽藏,只待惜酒人。 Aged for a quarter of a century, Huadiao becomes richer and mellower. No matter how time flies away, Huadiao can still enhance. Once you open the bottle, the enchanting aroma from the exquisitely carved celadon bottle leak out and run into the noses of the drinkers, as if it was reserving 25 years of essence for wine lovers.

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